Monday, 28 February 2011

Software: MAGiX Audio Cleaning Lab 17 Deluxe

MAGiX Audio Cleaning Lab 17 Deluxe

MAGiX Audio Cleaning Lab 17 Deluxe | 147 Mb

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab - a powerful package for compiling, cleaning and management of audio data of all kinds. Allows the use of sound sources of various types: from tape to discs and MP3. Allows you to create the compilation with the imposition of the effects of high-quality, clean and burn to CD. With this program you can clean up the sound of crackling, clicks and noise, as well as record cleansed data to a CD, thereby protecting them from further deterioration. The program has a set of algorithms for treatment, as well as Compressor, Equalizer, Expander stereo and more. Be connected to the DirectX plug-ins. Has a user-friendly interface and easy operation.

* Cleaning and audio processing;
* Removal of noise;
* Manual removal of clicks;
* Import / Export;
Burn songs to CD / DVD discs;
* Use the built-in effects;
* Easy to use software;
* Built-in equalizer;
* Record web radio stations;
* Automatically search for the optimal level of sound for each track;
* Edit audio with MAGIX Music Editor 2.0;
* Automatic detection of the beginning of the song.

New and even better: MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 17 deluxe:
* NEW! Intelligent start dialog: Presets let users immediately begin any task;
* NEW! Spectral cleaning directly in the track: Select audio distortions graphically and remove them;
* NEW! Click to get an overview: One-click project layout is accessible from any interface screen;
* IMPROVED! Easy-to-use effects: Equalizer, compressor, DeHisser, etc;
* IMPROVED! Info Box with many tips & tricks related to the program and its effects;
* IMPROVED! More presets for effects such as DeNoiser, StereoFX, etc;
* IMPROVED! Overview track for a detailed and effective workflow;
* Many more improvements to details.

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