Wednesday, 19 May 2010

SRSBux Review

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Hi everyone, Are you doing good? I hope so. This time I'm reviewing about new site which has instant payout at $1.00 which is you can get it quite fast. First of all, I have test this site when the minimum payout is $0.00 (no minimum payout) and then they are realize that if the payout below $1.00, they going to pay for the fee transaction. That's why they increase the payout into $1.00 so the member does not need to pay for the fee. I will show you how to earn free money from this site. Here is the step.

1. got to

2. Register yourself to have an account in that site.

3. Click the ads everyday. ( Remember the key is to be patient)

4. Cash out your money to PayPal.

That's it. It's look simple right? And it just take about 5 minutes everyday which is just a short period of time. You can earn money while you are browsing. Hope you guys being successful.

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