Thursday, 27 May 2010

PrizeLive Elite Site

Hi everyone, It's me, Alvin. I'm back again for a few days didn't update in this blog. By the way, I got good news. I have one site that is recommended for everyone. You can earn money directly within one hour and cash out instantly a few seconds after you request it. This site is call Prize Live .

In this site, you can do surveys, games, contests, rewards, and much more. There is a lot of offers that is provide by this site. There is 2 type of points that is provided by this site.

1. Points
This points will allow you to cash out to paypal, upgrade your membership or other types of rewards. You also can convert this points to Game coins(GC).

2. Game Coins(GC)
This is used for you to join game tournament. If you win the game in the tournament, you will be reward Points.

There is a lot of thing to do that is provide by this site for you to earn money. So join now and don't waste your time just browsing without earning money. =p

Here is my Payment of Proof:
First Payment
Second Payment
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