Monday, 21 February 2011

Game: Koumajou Densetsu

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony  ( PC game)

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony ( PC game) |

Year: 2010 | Language: English | PC Game | Developer: Frontier Aja | 196.88 Mb
Trailer Game
Genre: Arcade

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony me a fascinating idea - a combination of (species), Castlevania and Touhou. Its not like things like this havent happened before, because mega-Mari is much the same idea, but has thrown together Mega Man Touhou, and is published in the Comiket this weekend, and the demo comes out for some time that the timer can be found on Frontier. For some background, the title is a combination of the word, referring to the castle is located Remilia girl with a vampire, and the Japanese name of Castlevania III. It 'clear that the vampire's castle is ideal for a game like Castlevania.


- Pentium 4 2.0 MHz or faster
- XP/Vista/7
- 512 MB of RAM or more
- VGA: 64 MB DirectX 9.0c

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony  ( PC game)

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony  ( PC game)

Koumajou Densetsu - Scarlet Symphony  ( PC game)




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