Sunday, 21 November 2010

Tragic Video SMS while Driving

Gwent Police area, Wales, UK to produce a film depicting the dangers send SMS while driving a car and publish it on YouTube. This is made so that after viewing the film on YouTube, mobile users, especially among teenage deterrent to use mobile phones while driving a car. TG Daily, launch, COW film tells the story of a girl named Cassie Cow from Gwent Valleys. Teenagers are causing four people died in highway driving his carelessness while typing SMS. In Britain, driving a car while typing an SMS or calling an illegal action. But still many people who violate these regulations. Gwent Police area in collaboration with director Peter Watkins-Hughes to produce this film. As for the cast film is a local drama school students. The film is expected to become part of school learning programs throughout Wales and England
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2 comments: on "Tragic Video SMS while Driving"

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