Thursday, 26 August 2010

Sallys Studio Collectors Edition 1.0 UB FULL

Sallys Studio Collectors Edition 1.0 (UB FULL) | Mac Os X | Games | 104 MB

Join Sally as she travels the world helping people feel their best! Warm up on the beach, find balance at a retreat and lots more! This is a special Collectors Edition early release.

The game is scheduled to be released in 2-3 weeks so, the Collectors Edition is for those who cant wait to run Sallys Studio. As a bonus, Collectors Edition purchases counts toward three stamps on your Monthly Game Club Punch Card! The Collectors Edition includes: Bonus gameplay! Magnificent wallpapers Animated screensaver Fantastic concept art Special Collectors shop.

System Requirements: 
OS: 10.4
CPU: 800 Mhz
RAM: 256 MB
Hard Drive: 114 MB

Download: (ONLY for Mac)

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