Friday, 6 August 2010

Gamer gets his parents into deep trouble

A US WoW player who was so addicted to the game that he decided to use stolen credit cards to buy fake gold seems to have drawn his parents into a web of crime and punishment.
Trevor Miller, 17, from Buffalo Grove, stole credit cards and used the information to play World of Warcraft.

According to the local rag, Inspector Knacker of the Lake County Yard investigated multiple fraudulent online orders and downloads stemming after a car was broken into in July.

Lincolnshire and Buffalo Grove coppers, US Postal Inspection Service agents and investigators from the Lake County State's Attorney Office managed to track the transactions to Miller's address and got enough evidence for a search warrant.

Not only did the coppers find the stolen cards they also noticed that Trev's mum and dad had a particularly nice marijuana growing business operating from home. Several plants were growing in the house and several were found outside.

After formally saying "wot's all this then",  Miller's parents, James, 52, and Cindy, 50, were both charged with unlawful production of marijuana and banged up in the cells for a night.
We guess mum and dad will not be buying Trev a bike for Christmas this year or at least will be sitting down and explaining the importance of covering your tracks properly if you commit a crime, and never bringing coppers into the house.
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1 comments: on "Gamer gets his parents into deep trouble"

mikelle said...

Hello friend! Visiting, I wish you a beautiful day :)