Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Incomedia WebSite X5 + (Portable)-DMZ

This program create sites that are compatible with most Internet browsers can be viewed from mobile phones and indexed by search engines. The program can use the users who need quick and simple set up their own web site or web gallery. Businessmen can use it to create a professional corporate websites or online stores. This program has no restrictions on the number of generated pages and Web sites . Includes editor for creating e mail forms, built in image editor, an editor to create three dimensional keys, FTP engine to publish ready madesites. Filling the content is right there in the program. For these purposes there inegrirovanny text editor like WordPad.

The program does not require programming knowledge
Easy to use
Create your site in five steps
More than 1000 ready made templates
Create your own templates
Drafting of pages using the function Drag and Drop
Creation of photo galleries
Upon request you can edit the HTML code of web pages
Ability to create online shops
Create a form to send email from site
Creation of RSS feeds
Creating a diverse menu of the website (static, dynamic, vypadayuschihi etc.)
Built in image editor for quick editing of graphics to your web page
Tools Color Picker
Publication of the site on the Internet with the built in FTP engine
Grouping of the project to your website
Compliance with XHTML and CSS standards
A pleasant, convenient and simple user interface.

folder Incomedia WebSite Evolution X5 v8.0.17 normal version
folder Incomedia WebSite X5 Portable portable

Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English

Hotfile part 1
Hotfile part 2

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