Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Zynga new Game on Facebook

Zynga is Social game developer has introduced their latest creation. It is called "FrontierVille" on facebook. "FrontierVille" is similar to Zynga's previous version which is popular called "FarmVille". In "FarmVille", the players and their networks maintain a place -- in this case, a frontier outpost.

The game starts with a covered wagon and plot of land where the player starts digging to build a farm. This game is look like "Harvest Moon" in playstation.

In this game you earn points, buying supplies, keeping livestock alive, planting crops to feed your family, and harvesting them. Later, the player gets to explore the wilderness and found a town. Players can invite friends in their networks to help out, or hire them with in-game currency. The higher the hired help's reputation, the more credits earned. Below is the example of the game works. Hope you enjoy it.

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